the introduction
img2img, Midjourney

the deconstruction
img2img, Stable Diffusion
robot by artmatr at work
I will keep you safe, original oil painting using artmatr's robot technology
physical painting production by artmatr

source photo
This series is about “what I could have been” or “what I could have become” – but didn't. By using the professions and inspirations that I dreamed about as a child, these works narrate an alternate reality I could have imagined. All those things that did not come true, but still resonate with me, are somehow reflected in me – and now in these works.
I would have liked to be a priest. But I didn't. I would have liked to be an architect. But I didn't. I would have liked to be a basketball star. But I didn't. I'd like to be an angel. But I'm not.